Build a student dormitory management system with Python

Design a student dormitory management system using Python.

Posted on Python

Note | Robust detection of link communities in large social networks by exploiting link semantics - PART 1

Paper This is the first paper I read, and I use this blog to record my thoughts and organize during my study. I will introduce the overarching content of the whole paper from four aspects. They are the background & existing methods, models & methods, experiments and conclusions & discussions.

Posted on Social Network

Note | Robust detection of link communities in large social networks by exploiting link semantics - PART 2

ExperimentsDatasetWe selected two datasets, including the content of internal emails of the US energy company Enron (Enron scandal, California energy crisis) and the content of three forums of the news site Reddit over three days. If user A comments on user B’s post, A link is generated from A to B with the content of the comment.

Posted on Social Network

Round robin schedule

There are n players to play a tennis round robin. Design a competition schedule that meets the following criteria: Each player must play n − 1 other players once each; Each player can only race once a day; When n is even, the round robin is played for n − 1 days. When n is odd, the round robin is played for n days.

Posted on Data Structure and Algorithm

Insert Sort, Merge Sort and Quick Sort

IntroductionInsert Sort AlgorithmStraight Insertion Sort: Think of n elements to be sorted as an ordered table and an unordered table. At the beginning, the ordered table contains only 1 element, while the unordered table contains n-1 elements. In the sorting process, the first element is taken out of the unordered table every time and inserted into the appropriate position in the ordered table to make it a new ordered table. Repeat n-1 times to complete the sorting process. What we should do: Take the first number in the disordered region and find its corresponding position in the ordered region. Insert the data in the unordered region into the ordered region; If necessary, the relevant data in the ordered region is shifted.

Posted on Data Structure and Algorithm